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Help Autism Speaks for FREE

28 Sep

Single mom here, checking in again.

Please check out the Autism Speaks SocialVibe widget I added to my blog over in the right hand column. 

I chose Autism Speaks as my charity of choice because of my neighbor, Frankie.  Living next door to Frankie for the last year has heightened my awareness of the issues that autistic children like Frankie face.  What you may not think about are struggles that his mother, Pat, has endured during his lifetime, before and after he was diagnosed autistic when he was three years old.  For over 20 years, she has given up having a life of her own because he needs her so much.  Although I haven’t seen them myself, I can feel Pats’ tears.  From finding out that her son will never reach the heights you and I envision for our children to fighting with educators and neighbors who don’t understand her child to caring for an adult the way others take care of a toddler, I feel her pain. 

This organization needs you and I.  Helping Autism Speaks is FREE!  They don’t ask for money, they just ask that you do activities that usually take less than one minute to complete!  Click the box on the right to help now! 

Your time is appreciated

 Helping Autism Speaks will help all the Frankies and Pats of the world whose pain and challenges are monumental yet are not highly publicized because they mainly take place within the privacy of their own home.










22 Jul

Single Mom here, checking in again.

I quickly read the subject of the Dr. Phil show I have saved on the DVR.  I read, when should I commit to my kids?  Odd subject, I thought, but I’ll watch it anyway because it’s about parenting and kids.  Welll, 18 minutes into the show I realized that I must have read something wrong.  The show’s subject is actually When Should I Commit My Kids?  This little girl is bipolar and, as Dr. Phil said, the parents are ‘in over their heads’.  Tired as I feel right now with only 15 minutes left before I have to leave to get Tyler from school, I realize that I may be in up to my eyeballs but at least its not quite over my head.  Geeezzz! I feels sorry for those parents. It makes me remember that as hard as I think it is, it could always be worse.  No ‘woe is me’ thinking, at least til the next crisis comes!

My first hello

17 Jul

Single mom here.

When I finally watched Julie and Julia on Friday, July 16th, 2010, I made the decision to start my blog.  I, like Julie, have no expectations.  Unlike Julie, I am not a writer.  My career has been focused within the real estate industry.  My writing style is simple and for this blog, I am not going to worry about grammatical correctness because I’d rather tell it the way it comes to me, which is not always in perfect sentences. 

I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while now, probably since my son was born.  What stopped me up until now was that I was afraid to put my fears, hopes and dreams in writing.  What has changed is that, at this point, I just plan to write but I am not inviting all of my friends and family to read it.  It seems easier to think that this will be somewhat anonymous.  I think it will be good for me to get some of my feelings out while getting a chance to document some of my son’s life.  AND, maybe, just maybe, some other single mothers will identify with me, and maybe some youngsters thinking of having babies will postpone that life changing event after truly understanding what I mean by “Single Mom vs. Life” and, possibly some couples may appreciate their partner a little more after realizing how much all of those little things would mean if they were forced to do it all alone. 

Sooo… hello everyone (although probably no one).  Welcome to “Single Mom vs.. Life”.